Frequently Asked Questions

Tina has always been open to talking about her unique talents and enjoys answering questions for this curious about her experience and gifts. Here are responses to the questions she's often asked.

What is channeling?

Channeling is the general term given to the actor of receiving messages from the spirits. When I am in a session with a client, this is largely what I'm doing so that I can pass the messages that this person is supposed to hear on to them. There are different types of channeling. Here is a brief overview of the terminology we use and what the experience is like. 

  • Channeling - Communicating in the clear and conscious state, asking questions and conveying messages in a conversational. 
  • Semi-Trance Channeling - I hear the words of the spirit guide in my mind and repeat just what they are saying. The experience is somewhat like reading or practicing a lecture and the client hears the message exactly as it is spoken.
  • Deep Trace Channeling - This is when I become a vessel for the spirit. I enter into a deep meditation, my spirit leaves my body and another trusted, higher spirit guide then fills the space I've left behind. He or she then uses my body as a vehicle to talk and teach through. I won't be able to hear what is being said and won't be able to tell you what message has been delivered. It is very important to listen and to jot down a note or two when this happens during a session. 

Who are Tina’s Guides

GreatBearSpiritGuideFirstSpiritGuideBoyMy experiences with the spirit world began when I was in my crib. I remember being entertained by spirit children, whose colorful forms I could see on the wall.  They would play and laugh with me.

When I was a young teenager, a Native American boy named “Wild Pony” came to me in my dreams. I later found out that while this guide was alive, he was part of the Navajo tribe. Wild Pony soon began appearing to me while I was awake, telling me to be careful if danger was ahead, or letting me know when people weren’t being honest with me.  Little did I know, his appearances were just the beginning of a very important gift.

Growing up with a mother who was an extraordinarily talented medium allowed me to share my experiences with her and learn from them.  She began to help me understand why these things were happening.

VictorianSpiritGuide RamsesIIISpiritGuide Later in my teens, I learned that not only was I clairvoyant, I was also a trance-channel, and at age 17, I discovered I could let different spirit guides from many levels of growth and experience talk through me.  My first channeling was a Native American guide named Great Bear, who had been a member of the Cherokee Nation in the Old Louisiana Territories.  That same day an Egyptian guide named Ramses II also came through. Ramses II, a pharaoh during Egypt’s 19th dynasty, was highly celebrated and loved as a ruler.  I believe I had a past life while he was alive in Egypt. He knew my soul and is able to channel through me so strongly.


In my late teens, I received a guide from London, England whose name was Moddres, who was an intuitive during the Victorian Era.  Moddress gave me answers about life, people, and relatives, both those who were alive and those who had passed on. She stayed with me for about 15 years.

I decided fairly early in my life to become an ordained Spiritualist minister.  My career was focused on child psychology and early childhood development.  This was of great help to me when I became a counselor and worked with people of all ages that were open to intuitive guidance. Once I gave my complete attentions to spiritual work after having two children, two separate families, and a lot of life experience, I was both surprised and honored when a new guide named Bartholomew came to me. Bartholomew is one of Christ’s twelve apostles from the New Testament. He now reigns on the seventh plane of light, the eighth being the God plane.

Most of the messages I receive from a higher level are conveyed through him. Bartholomew is a source of light, love, strength and wisdom.  He has never let me down.  I will forever be humbled by him and appreciate his presence.

As a universal channel, I can also communicate with various guides who may come through me in order to give messages of advice and guidance, using their insight and love.  These guides come from all realms of the angelic world, including: saints, monks, bishops, teachers, doctors, interplanetary beings, and so on.  It is up to the receiver of these messages to use this information properly.

Do your guides come and go?

Generally, my guides are spirits I speak to regularly where as the departed relatives of clients who are ready to come through only when it benefits the client.

They also change over time. Some of my guides were with me when I was less experienced and have moved on to help others and new guides have come into my contagiousness now that I am wise enough to receive them. When I was younger, my guides were all human. They had lives on the earth and they choose to come back and continue contributing to others. As I have become older and wiser, so have my guides, they come from all walks of life. I also have also "graduated." I've been able to accept messages from nature spirits, interplanetary beings, angels and others. What matters is that guides choose who they connect with. I am prepared to embrace those that choose me and appreciate them.