February 20, 2015

Teaching Two School Teachers

Tina and her significant other Will enjoy visiting a family summer home in Chester, Nova Scotia during the summer months. The property has been in Will’s family for over 100 year’s! This is Tina’s account of visiting the property for the first time. Arriving at the property for the first […]
February 19, 2015

Canary in a Haunted Home

A woman called for help from her basement apartment. It was downstairs in a larger home owned by her finance’s family. The couple lived there together but sadness was felt through out the little flat. A past resident had shot himself in the home’s only bathroom and had not found […]
February 19, 2015

Waiting for the Light

A young waiter, suffering from depression, had found his way to the restroom of his workplace on evening and there, he shot himself and passed away. Ever since that time, an air of sadness and depression hung in the air and overwhelmed the small Country Squire diner. It effected the staff […]